Cynthia Rowley 1801

Heeeey–ooo! I’m still alive! I started a new job teaching sixth grade about a month ago while doing my student teaching simultaneously so needless to say I’ve been one busy bia! The kids are crazy but its going smoothly, and I have a great supportive staff. I have also lost about 5lbs from running around and not having time to snack or eat a big lunch all day! My sewing has slowed down but I am hoping that once Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks come up as well as my much anticipated graduation I will have some more time on my hands.

I finished this Cynthia Rowley dress a little while ago and I think it turned out pretty cute. I used a super soft knit in a floral/paint splatter print. Its super cozy and the knit material eliminated the need for the zipper.

I left a bit of room around the middle where the band was because I didn’t want it to cling on too tight. I love the pockets too! I almost left the sleeves off but since its getting cold real quick here I figured I might as well make this a Fall dress.

In other sewing news I have begun our Halloween season of costumes! This year I decided to let the hubs pick out theme, so he of course being the nerd he is chose Star Wars. I think he was hoping I’d roll with the slave princess Leia “outfit” but unfortunately for him I ain’t baring all in public. So be ready for some ridiculous photos to come!

Oh and our chickens finally started laying eggs! I’ve been making all sorts of delicious egg foods- steak and eggs, quiches, egg salad, baked goods, etc.. and they are delish!

11 Comments on “Cynthia Rowley 1801”

  1. gingermakes says:

    Ooh, you look so cute! Love this dress! And oh my gosh– girl, you teach sixth grade?! I can’t even imagine how much energy that requires! Good luck!

  2. cjgal says:

    Thanks lady! Man I know, some days I think I need to go get my head checked. Although it’s never boring!

  3. stitchywitch says:

    Cute – love the print and your shoes! I know what you mean about being busy – it’s hard to fit the sewing in sometimes! Good luck on student teaching/actual teaching – I know how stressful that is!

    • cjgal says:

      Thanks! I know it stinks! I’m almost finished with my graduate program though, I have a lot to look forward to!

  4. wow, congrats on the job! I can’t even imagine how busy you must be!! Your dress looks gorgeous, love all the colors. And fresh eggs? Awesome! It always amazes me how much better eggs from home grown chickens taste 🙂

  5. Jenny says:

    Awww–I used to teach 6th grade. . . Believe it or not, I miss those kids 🙂
    This is super cute–making it with a knit is a great idea! I actually am working on this pattern right now. I love being nosy about how other people have made up patterns I’m working on.

    • cjgal says:

      Thank you! Yeah right now it’s pretty rough, but I’m sure next summer I’ll miss a lot of them.
      I think knits are the way to go with this dress- id love to see your version

      • cathy says:

        Hi…cute blog…can you tell me where in Atlantic City you were finding knock offs? Going there next week. Love ChinaTown in NY, but haven’t been there in a few years. Thanks.

  6. prttynpnk says:

    Aw, how did I miss this dress? I love it and I hope the 6th graders appreciate how stylish their teacher is! You are no Mrs crabapple!

  7. I just bought this pattern, your dress is so cute! I am totally going to make this in knit, I hope it turns out as nice as your dress did! Great blog, too, I really want to get some chickens! But my town has some ordinance about it! Might have to fight city hall!

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